Recover faster with Lymphatic Drainage after a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Recovery from a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery can be significantly enhanced by incorporating lymphatic drainage massage into your post-operative care plan. Here's what you can expect when combining these two elements.

Immediate Tummy Tuck Post-Op

A Hospital Stay May be Required. Tummy tucks are often performed on an outpatient basis, and you can typically go home the same day. However, complex cases may require a short hospital stay.

Pain Management: You'll experience discomfort and swelling initially, but your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage it effectively. Lymphatic drainage massage can complement pain relief by reducing inflammation and promoting circulation. You will often feel a lot better after a lymphatic drainage treatment, which can be done several times a week and speeds up recovery.

Drains and Dressings: Surgical drains are common to remove excess fluid. You'll also wear dressings or compression garments to support healing and reduce swelling. Lymphatic drainage massage can aid in fluid removal and enhance the effectiveness of these measures. Be sure to discuss lymphatic drainage with your surgeon before booking in.

First Few Days to Weeks after Abdominoplasty

Rest and Recovery are Vital: Adequate rest is needed during this period. As long as you have approval from your surgeon, lymphatic drainage massage can begin in the early post-operative stages to help reduce swelling and encourage healing.

Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting during this phase. Gradual walking and gentle movements are encouraged to prevent blood clots and promote circulation.

Weeks 2-6 after Abdominoplasty

Swelling and Bruising: Lymphatic drainage massage is particularly beneficial during this time to alleviate swelling, reduce bruising, and accelerate healing.

Scar Management: Continue following your surgeon's scar care instructions. Lymphatic drainage can also assist in scar management by promoting tissue healing and reducing scar tissue buildup.

Diet and Nutrition: A balanced diet with sufficient hydration supports the healing process and reduces the risk of complications.

Long-Term Recovery after Tummy Tuck: Resuming Normal Activities: Your surgeon will advise when it's safe to return to work and regular activities. Incorporating lymphatic drainage massage sessions can help maintain optimal results as you gradually increase your activity level.

Exercise: Slowly reintroduce exercise into your routine, beginning with low-impact activities. Lymphatic drainage can support your recovery by reducing muscle tension and enhancing circulation.

Final Results: The full results of your tummy tuck may take several months to become apparent. Lymphatic drainage can continue to promote tissue health and minimise swelling as you progress through the recovery process.

Emotional Well-Being: The emotional aspect of recovery is essential. Some individuals may experience a range of emotions, including frustration and body image concerns. Lymphatic drainage massage's relaxation benefits can contribute to emotional well-being during this period.

Lymphatic Drainage after Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Melbourne

Combining lymphatic drainage massage with your tummy tuck recovery plan can lead to a smoother, more comfortable healing process. Always communicate with your surgeon and lymphatic drainage therapist to ensure your recovery plan is tailored to your specific needs and progress. Book an appointment online at our clinic in Point Cook, Melbourne.


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