spinal energetics- energy healing

Spinal Energetics is an energetic healing modality in Point Cook that combines Eastern and Western philosophy. We use touch, and no touch to work with the nervous system, spine, chakras and energetic field. 

A modality working within the energy field to open and allow energetic flow in the body. Release and let go. Switch the nervous system out of fight/flight into rest/repair.

bring in ease and flow

We are more than our physical body, we are energetic beings… 

We project an energetic field which includes our emotions, our mind, spirit self and our soul. We carry our experience, our sadness, our pain, and it is a heavy burden that lodges itself within us and can block and become stagnant. Influencing our life in ways we are unaware. 

In Spinal Energetics we work with energy to release, unravel and unwind our experience, and memories, maybe we had even forgotten. To create flow and ease in the system, and align ourselves back to our true path, and living as ourselves with flow and ease. 

In this energetic modality, we can release through breath, sound, emotion and movement. It is similar to reiki in that we work with the chakras and energetic field.

The body will release what it needs to in each session, bringing a sense of freedom and release. 

Each treatment may include Bowen, acupressure, essential oils, affirmation cards, flower essences and tuning forks. 

infrared sauna altona

release + realign

energy healing point cook

In spinal energetics we use our hands and breath/sound to feel through the field and activate where needed, to clear energy blockages, to create flow in the nervous system, the field… our life.

A special and beautiful modality that realigns and brings release of old stories and the heaviness that we carry.

Common Questions

How many sessions should I have?

We recommend committing to at least 3 sessions, to give yourself a chance to adapt to the treatment, and feel the biggest change. Otherwise as often as you feel the need. You will know.

Why do people move like that?

In energetics, we are working to open energy pathways and clear blockages in our chakras and field. As energy starts to flow you will feel the urge to move (just like the urge to stretch) and go with it.

It is important to note that not everyone moves on the table, it may take several session for some to feel the urge to move, while some people will never ‘move’. However this does not correlate with any internal changes or benefits a person may experience.

Are there any contraindications?

Yes. See below

Pregnancy: We do not recommend energetics in the first trimester of pregnancy unless cleared by your GP

Children: We do not treat children under 12yo

Elderly: We do not treat clients over 75 yo

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