Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question, there is a big chance someone has already asked! If your question is not answered here, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Just head to our Contact page and give us a call or send us an email.


I have private health insurance, can I claim my rebate at your clinic?

Yes! We have HICAPS in our Point Cook clinic, so just bring your health insurance card along and we can zip it through the machine and you will only have to pay the gap!

What is remedial massage?

I have never had a remedial massage before, what should I expect?

Is remedial massage painful?

Remedial Massage when Pregnant

Is pregnancy massage safe?

When can you have pregnancy massage?

I am pregnant, can I still get a massage?

Can I still have a pregnancy massage past 37 weeks?

What to wear in pregnancy massage?

Can pregnancy massage induce labour?

When I can I have a post-natal massage?

Do you do post-natal massage?

How does pregnancy massage work?

Can remedial massage help with lower back pain?

Can remedial massage help with sciatica?

Can remedial massage help with planter fasciitis?