fertility massage melbourne

Offering Fertility Massage in Melbourne

Fertility massage is a specialised type of massage therapy designed to support and enhance fertility in individuals or couples who are trying to conceive. 

What is a Fertility Massage?

In a womb massage we focus on the abdominal and pelvic areas, as well as the sacrum and buttocks. It is a foundational treatment to receive when trying to conceive, and offers several potential benefits for those seeking to improve their chances of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of Fertility Massage?

Improve Blood Circulation

Womb massage techniques used in fertility massage can increase blood circulation to the pelvic organs, including the uterus and ovaries. Improved blood flow can enhance the health of these reproductive organs and support the development of healthy eggs and a thick uterine lining.

Reducing Muscle Tension and Adhesions

Womb massage can release tension and address muscular imbalances in the abdominal and pelvic areas. This can help improve the positioning of the uterus and optimise the function of the reproductive organs. Additionally, it may reduce adhesions or scar tissue that could interfere with fertility. We work deeply over the uterus in a womb massage to release tension and adhesions.

Balancing Hormones

Fertility massage may help balance hormonal levels, which are crucial for regular menstrual cycles and healthy ovulation. It can also support the function of the endocrine system, which regulates hormone production. 

Enhancing Egg Quality

Some proponents of fertility massage believe that it can improve egg quality over time, which is a key factor in successful conception and a healthy pregnancy. A uterus massage is a foundational step when trying to conceive. We can never promise pregnancy, but it is a special first step to take when wanting to conceive. 

Abdominal Massage for Digestive Health

The abdominal massage techniques used in fertility massage may aid in promoting healthy digestion and addressing any digestive issues that could impact fertility. A healthy digestive system is essential for the absorption of nutrients needed for reproductive health. Abdominal massage may reduce bloating and we also work on the diaphragm so you may be able to breath deeper after a womb massage.

nourishing and healing treatments